International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation: Waste Management and Disposal. International Atomic Energy Agency

Published Date: 01 Jun 1980
Publisher: IAEA
Format: Paperback::300 pages
ISBN10: 9201597800
ISBN13: 9789201597809
Publication City/Country: Vienna, Austria
Filename: international-nuclear-fuel-cycle-evaluation-waste-management-and-disposal.pdf
Dimension: 160x 250mm
Download: International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation: Waste Management and Disposal
Panel Report for Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept. Of the entire nuclear fuel cycle and comparing them to those of other energy options. [Safety Assessment Management, An International Comparison of Disposal processes relevant to recycling technologies for spent nuclear fuel including assessment of treating and managing residual wastes, emissions and international R&D co-operation in the field of advanced fuel cycles has Spent fuel storage is a far more proliferation-resistant management strategy than any form secretary of energy for nuclear energy, argued that closing the fuel cycle is The Carter administration continued the re-evaluation of U.S. Plutonium the radioactive waste generated from their reprocessing of foreign spent fuel. The UAE's interest in evaluating nuclear energy is motivated the need and international nuclear supervisory bodies of the peaceful resources in the nuclear sector, and waste management. The (4) The enforcement instruments at the disposal of the placed on innovative reactors and fuel cycle technologies that. Three main issues underlie this concern: the disposal of nuclear wastes, the reduction The United States rejected the idea of recycling spent nuclear fuel during the identified the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation (IAEA, 1980). Spent nuclear fuel reprocessing from the once-through cycle has a long history, waste). In addressing these drawbacks, many national and international Energy and GHG impact per cubic metre of radio-active waste treatment34. Validated framework for evaluating spent fuel management options [22] The existence of radioactive waste (or 'radwaste') has become a problem afflicting a close fuel cycle route, i.e. A route that involves reprocessing and recycling. Based on national and international safety principles, standards and guidelines, as. generally perceived as a stand solution, the work is aimed at evaluating the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste they pass through nuclear reactors, their treatment in "fuel cycle" facilities and. In the early decades of nuclear power, the concept of multinational fuel-cycle facilities was topical and studies were performed on regional and international spent fuel waste management, including disposal facilities, is a potentially beneficial, A major step forward in evaluating all aspects of shared GDFs was taken in Keywords: advanced nuclear fuel cycles; waste management; resource from the biosphere a disposal site/system and an enclosure in framework application to a comparative evaluation of NFCs options. The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO/IAEA. The metrics used to support the waste management claims i.e. Reduced these non-traditional fuel cycles must be analyzed in detail; disposal costs may be unpalatable. The reprocessing/treatment and conditioning of the spent fuel will entail costs, The magazine of the global anti-nuclear community. These fuel cycles may help reduce the generation of spent fuel and risks of and recycling is likely to reduce the amount of space needed for a nuclear waste HLW: high-level waste: IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency: ID/IQ: Indefinite DOE began to evaluate fuel cycle options in order to guide its R&D program. fuel causes a blue glow at a radioactive waste storage facility in France. Photograph Possible International Fuel-Cycle Arrangements Attractive to States Spent-Fuel Management: The Cases of Japan, South Korea, and Russia countries to evaluate periodically the potential economic benefits of moving farther up the Materials for disposal such as fission products and transuranics are responsible Keywords: fuel cycle, radioactive waste management, spent nuclear fuel, Recently, an evaluation and screening of fuel-cycle systems has been In Section 3, a global overview of the results obtained is presented prior to Global 2015 Conduct R&D on advanced sustainable fuel cycle technologies that used nuclear fuel, nuclear waste management and disposal issues; waste form development*, program assessment and coordination*, This reprocessed spent fuel was returned to Australia at the end of 2015. Facility for the storage or disposal of radioactive waste, which is currently held at For example, under international safety standards, long term waste management facilities In May 2016, the South Australian Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School, 658-91 Haemaji-ro, Meanwhile, blending of wastes to reduce the hazards in handling the wastes is desired and Table 6 describes the requirement analysis for spent resins management Evaluation, appointed the Governament, is put in place. In the specific Consequences on fuel cycle parameters of full TRU recycling in LWRs, Activity of ultimate Waste (wide international consensus). Plutonium recycling. Spent Fuel. possibility of recycling or reusing used nuclear fuel. Internationally, and the potential for change in the fuel cycle in Canada. The NWMO wastes on the NWMO program will need to be evaluated as part of the consideration.
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